Welcome to Royal Exclusive Shipping & Logistic Services - We Provide a one-stop logistics Solution

We serve as your logistics consultant, providing one-stop business solutions that connect people and companies beyond national and regional boundaries, through diverse logistics modes, integrating land, air, and marine transport.
We strive to maintain and enhance our world-class quality, promoting globally-recognized human resource development and achievement of relevant certifications.


Our Corporate Philosophy

Royal Exclusive Shipping & Logistic Services is built on four corporate values: boldness, initiative, imagination and integrity. These values, already in place when the company was founded, continue to be demonstrated on a daily basis.
Royal Exclusive Shipping & Logistic Services distinguishes itself by putting its strong corporate values, reminded in the Group’s Code of Ethics, into practice.

Our four fundamental values include:

Initiative: to dare, in order to progress

Royal Exclusive Shipping & Logistic Services encourages employees to look for solutions outside of their field of activity. Possessing the initiative and the ability to think outside the box is essential for an innovative and dynamic company.

Our JULES VERNE, which sails under the French flag, is a giant of the seas with a length of 396 meters and a capacity of 16,000 TEUs; it is equipped with the latest environmentally-friendly technology, proving that it is possible to combine record-setting performance with sustainable development.

Boldness: to embark on new ventures and go beyond its limits

New emerging markets represent a continual source of growth for the Group. Progress, quality, and profitability are the three goals that drive us to push ourselves even further.

It was in daring to extend our navigational routes from North-western coast of the European mainland to Asia in 1986 and in setting up our first office in Switzerland in 1992 that Jacques Saadé proved that boldness was our strong value. It was actually these visionary decisions that allowed the Sure Group to become a leading worldwide shipping group. As it continues to grow, SPEED will continue to be as daring as it was at the beginning.

Imagination: to be the best at carrying out its profession

Speed Group stresses the ability to adapt to each customer. Each situation is taken extremely seriously. The constant development of technology, the flow of goods, and environmental concerns demand continuous creativity.

Boldness: to embark on new ventures and go beyond its limits

Respect for each employee, supplier, and customer is the principle that characterizes interpersonal relations within the our organization. Externally, SPEED remains completely neutral when carrying out its work, even in the most complicated geopolitical contexts.